When the chaos of now simmers down, who and what will be left to pick scraps off the bones of the society we once knew?
Will the “weirdos and freaks” -- whose creativity is so often forced underground before being leeched on by the mainstream -- have their day, as the last of normality is swallowed up by a pandemic and the world is engulfed in flames?
The new-age punks are waiting in the wings.
Suffocated and stifled by a life locked down.
Expression compressed by financial woes.
Freedom, an almost distant memory.
Youth pent up, frustrated and forgotten.
Desperate to unleash their individuality and have their creative “coming-out.”
Who will they be when they are allowed to emerge after so long confined, starved of the rights of passage afforded to their heroes of generations past?
Project Credits
Photography @lukenugentstudio
Creative Direction @lukenugentstudio & @lukevsmith
Styling @lukevsmith & @felipedezm
Styling Assistant @oldenburgdavid
Makeup Artist @joebrookks
Hair Stylist
Production & BTS @rosie_cartwright
Words @kezialeah
Muses @gartruche, @fighterjet_101, @sakeemathecrook,